JFrog Artifactory is an application for package repositories, such as Gradle, Maven etc. This section explains how to setup Artifactory so that you can use it during executing Loadcoder tests.

Artifactory can be setup in the same way as the Master containers, but it needs to be explicitly stated:


Before Artifactory can be be used it needs to be configured. Artifactory Web is reached at port 8081 (http://localhost:8081 if hosted locally). Default credentials is admin/password.

  1. Create the repo

    When you login you will be presented with a configuration wizard. Use this to create the repo by choosing maven and then click create

    Create maven repo
  2. Create a user

    Go to the user configuration page http://localhost:8081/artifactory/webapp/#/admin/security/users (if hosted locally)

    Click "Create new user" and create a new user as follows:

    User Name: mavenuser

    Email Address: any valid email address

    Password: password

    These credential are the ones that the Loadcoder cluster default will expect. Other credential may be used but will require additional configuration of your load test project.

  3. Create the permission

    Go to the permission configuration page http://localhost:8081/artifactory/webapp/#/admin/security/permissions (if hosted locally)

    Click "Add a Permission" and fill in the following

    Name: all_permissions

    At the bottom of the configuration page there should be a box with three item holding the names of repositories you will need. Drag and drop them one by one from left to right so that they end up in the rightmost box:

    Drag % drop the repos

    Now mark the Users section. In this view you will see your added mavenuser to the bottom left. Drag & drop it to the right so that ends up under Included User area.

    Finally mark the mavenuser and check Read checkbox. Then Save it.

    Set user permission
  4. Use the Maven repo

    In order to use the new Maven repo, you need to specify the URLs to the release and the snapshot repository configured in your Maven settings. These URLs can be found if you go to Artifactory startpage and clicking on the two items below:

    Maven repos