Welcome to Loadcoder

Loadcoder is a load testing tool written and used in Java

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Get a flying start with the zipped Maven project below

loadcoder-examples.zip loadcoder-examples.zip

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Loadcoder at Github

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<!-- loadcoder-all includes all components and transitive dependencies-->


<!-- loadcoder-core containing only the most essential parts-->

What's so great about writing performance tests as code?

Performance tests are just like any other automated tests. By implementing it with code, you are choosing the most automatable way of performing them.

Most performance tests isn't just measuring response times for calls invoked from parallell threads. You need to to parse responses, making assersions, managing testdata, solving authentication and exception handling just to name a few things. There is just one way to do this if you want dogde limitations and maintain efficiency. By code!

In todays demands of agility, performance testing needs to be done at various stages during development in order to minimize risk. This includes everything from production like end to end tests, all the way down to unit-test like load-tests. Instead of choosing tooling based on knowledge of individuals, it may be done based on demands. To view code as the language your organisation speaks will not only be an enabler for the DevOps culture and IAC. It will also open the doors for people to finally work with performance testing like it always was ment to. Through collaboration of code, as early and automated as possible.